Big Ar Tonelico aura. Fun track, enjoyed it.
Big Ar Tonelico aura. Fun track, enjoyed it.
Instantly reminded me of PSO v.1 tracks for "The Mines" zones. I can see, HEAR it being in a game or movie.
Good mixing as well. Relaxed tempo but with tension. Love the calmer part.
Well deserved Frontpage 👌
good game soundtrack ^^
really nostalgic in visual and sound .. had to look it up myself but definitely i am adjacently inspired as the sound is all so familiar.
I do try to reach similar vibes as that game
thank you very much
Nice track, drop and follow up works really well here. Also proper ending.
The only thing I'm not a fan is noise wall. No matter the genre, it harms music dynamics.
Can't blame you really. Thanks for the feedback!
This sounds like a very tamed J-Pop backing track or something I'd hear in a 2000-2009 era console ost.
Preaty neat.
Right! This was supposed to be pop, but something went wrong and it became trance
Wow that was loud xd
Main riff is cool but dunno, something is missing here. The weakest part is shred. It's just there.
Double kick could use some variations. I personally would go into realm of more crusty/hardcore influenced drums - perhaps triplets instead of just doubles?
Still good job on making all the track readable.
Fair enough and thanks for the comments. The shred's my favourite bit lol
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